

If you became one of the richest people in the world, would you continue to live in the same house? That’s exactly what Warren Buffet did – in fact, he’s still living in the same five bedroom house he bought more than a half century ago.  It’s safe to assume he can...



Adventure is exciting. Being adventurous makes us feel alive. It can shed new light on things and show us new points of view.  Adventure typically means unknown territory, which can be scary or anxiety-inducing, but it can help us understand ourselves and our world...



A little kindness can go a long way. It’s a value we can practice in every aspect of our lives.  It’s not always a grand gesture – kindness can be subtle. Don’t underestimate the impact a small act can make – holding a door open for the next person, letting someone in...

Stewardship of Time

Stewardship of Time

When Bear Bryant greeted his incoming freshman at the University of Alabama, he always delivered the same message first.  It was written on a card he kept in his wallet and the coach referred to it often during their tenure there.  Today, almost every man who plays...



You’ve no doubt heard the adage “Actions speak louder than words.” I like the way Ralph Waldo Emerson put  it —  “Your actions speak so loud, I can’t hear what you say.” Do you know someone whose only consistency is inconsistency? Worse, does that describe you? ...



Practicing a spirit of service invokes gratitude and empathy. It perpetuates kindness. Volunteering your time and skills pushes you outside yourself and plunges you into your community.  Carrying a heart of service simultaneously and subconsciously acknowledges you...

Delayed Gratification

Delayed Gratification

"Delayed gratification." Have you ever heard that phrase? If you have, it’s probably because you practice a few of the principles we’ve discussed before. You know, qualities like patience, effort, focus...Interesting how those three things could work in tandem to...



How do you eat an elephant? It is said that you do it… one bite at a time. But what if you have an elephant in front of you… and you just aren’t hungry for elephant? We all experience times when it’s hard to find motivation to do certain things. It’s even more...



Have you ever felt like not doing what you knew was the right thing to do? What’s the harm if there’s nobody around to see you? It’s not always easy or convenient to make the better choice.  One’s character determines what we do even when no one is watching. Some...



I don’t know about you, but I hate being late. If I say I’m going to be somewhere at a specific time, I want to actually be there early, when possible.  My daddy called it Bear Bryant time.  If you ain’t five minutes early, you’re late. Have you ever heard the old...



Wayne Gretzky said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Michael Jordan said, “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”  Many people allow the process of analysis to continue beyond its intended boundary and as a result...
