

When you hear the word service, what first comes to mind? Is it a funeral service? What about a mechanic servicing your car? The service that might be thought of last, but certainly not least, would be service…to those with whom you come in contact on a daily basis....

Work Ethic

Work Ethic

Everything you do matters, but everything you don’t do matters just as much. Consider Michael Jordan, arguably one of the greatest athletes in history. He often took issue with people suggesting his success was due to genetics. In fact, it was Michael’s failure that...



Do you know individuals who always over-deliver?  They dress the part and work hard, even at things few people notice.  These individuals look for solutions, listen well, and humbly credit others for their success. Someone like this sounds almost too good to be true,...



Have you ever worked so hard at something that your behavior seemed to change? Almost like you caused a bond to form between your normal everyday actions and the work ethic you developed? That is called diligence. If you perform your responsibilities in a diligent...



Conventional thought might lead us to believe that resolutions or personal vows are too difficult to keep.    A resolution or vow is a commitment (or promise) one has made to either engage in and maintain a new process or abstain from an old way of doing things.  Many...



Picture this, it’s Christmas morning. You’re about to open a present.  When you do, there it is...that special something you’ve been talking about all year. Your best friend remembered and got it for you. Now, reverse those roles. Your friend is opening a package and...



The taxi driver arrived at an address for the final pickup of his day. Exhausted and ready to go home, he glanced at his watch.  He was on time, but no one came to the cab.  He waited for several more minutes. one came.  He turned off the vehicle and ran...

Overcoming Doubt

Overcoming Doubt

More people fail at what they do because of doubt than for any other reason.  In the book, The Traveler’s Gift, doubt is referred to as an “undecided heart.“  Doubt can be debilitating — uncertainty, over-analysis, and a constant need for validation plague those who...



An act of courage…is a lot like a leap of faith.  Have you ever taken a leap of that seemed outside the boundaries of reason.  Would you consider yourself a courageous person?   Even if you don’t, there will always be moments of opportunity for you to act...

Staying Focused

Staying Focused

A wise man once said, “The person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones”.   All too often we try to rush into the main part of a project only to be crushed by the daunting size of the task. Since we can’t “move the mountain” in one push, we don’t...



In almost any old jungle movie, if someone is trying to escape, you can bet that soon, they’ll be falling in quicksand!  Do you remember?  The unfortunate victim of that killer mud would panic as they seemed to be sucked down by an invisible monster.  Yes, right...



Are you a runner? We have all had to run at some point in our lives. We’ve run towards some things and away from others. We’ve run late. Run out. And Run for our lives.   Your mom might have even said that you were ‘running around like a chicken with your head cut...
