

Careful, thoughtful communication is important to building and maintaining meaningful relationships.  Speaking clearly is also an important key to successful communication. Sometimes, we speak clearly, but when we leave out the “careful, thoughtful” part of the...

The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect

Recently, I saw a stunning photograph posted by a Virginia Wildlife photographer in which she managed to capture the breath of a red-winged blackbird while singing during the dead of winter. The caption read, “when it’s cold enough to see the melody.”  It was the...

First Impressions

First Impressions

You’ve no doubt heard the expression – one never gets a second chance to make a first impression. How we present ourselves to others matters a great deal. Do you want people to feel drawn to you the minute you meet?  Do you want to attract more opportunities … make...



Today’s society in which we live tends to excuse all forms of bad behavior.  There are now highly educated professionals who are actually referring to gossip as a ‘social skill’? According to some of the largest news outlets, gossip has gone from a negative to a...



Have you ever been described as gentle? Personally, when I think of the word “gentle,” I think of Winnie the Pooh. Did you know that Winnie the Pooh was created by author Alan Alexander Milne after one of his son’s toys?  It’s true.  Winnie, Tigger, Eeyore, Piglet,...



Plato once said “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.”  When you feel tempted to judge someone or respond in kind, bite your tongue…pinch yourself…count to ten…whatever works for you in the moment. Just don’t say something you’ll regret..  I...



What kind of friend are you?  Are you the kind that’s honest, who handles the heart of your friends with care, or do you tell your friends only what they want to hear? Are you a good listener, or is the conversation usually centered around you? The Greek Philosopher...



Have you ever found yourself in a situation you felt was difficult to navigate?  Maybe you didn’t know what to say, or maybe you did and you just couldn’t do it…  Perhaps you worried about what someone else might say. Could you be worried about failing? More often...



Growing up, most of us were taught that the words ‘thank’ and  ‘you’ were a good combination. Most of us learned to say thank you. It's a little thing that makes a big difference, and often, that difference comes in the form of opportunities gained or lost. To those...



How much damage can be done by a single lie? Be wary of anything less than the truth. Lies are like volcanoes; they can remain dormant for a long period of time only to erupt seemingly at random and cause unbelievable damage.  History shows us that there are many...
