

You’ve probably heard the saying “Curiosity killed the cat”.  And you’ve probably observed that cats are very curious creatures. They’ll fix their attention on something for an extended period of time, or just as easily pretend that something doesn’t exist, which in...



How do you eat an elephant? It is said that you do it… one bite at a time. But what if you have an elephant in front of you… and you just aren’t hungry for elephant? We all experience times when it’s hard to find motivation to do certain things. It’s even more...



When was your last revelation? The perfect idea that came from nothing and became something. Some people call that light bulb a “Eureka Moment!” - In case you’re wondering, Eureka is Greek for “I have found it!” Some of us call it an “Aha” moment—one you could have...



Wayne Gretzky said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Michael Jordan said, “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”  Many people allow the process of analysis to continue beyond its intended boundary and as a result...



C.S. Lewis said, “Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man.” You’ve heard “pride comes before a fall.” The moment we begin to think we’re somehow better than others, for whatever the reason, is the moment the...

Life in Boxes

Life in Boxes

Do you remember the last time you moved out of one place and into another? Maybe it’s when you left home for the first time. As you packed, did you notice that everything in your house was a reflection of yourself? Your life, a physical representation, was literally...



Did you ever think math could teach you things beyond the page? How about a mathematician? Ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, known for his famous theorem, also dabbled in the personal and the worldly. He once said “Choose rather to be strong of...

Fear of the Future

Fear of the Future

What if the economy tanks? What if you get a bad report from the doctor? What happens if a hurricane hits? There’s a song called “What Ifs,” that says “We could worry about the “what ifs” till the world stops turnin”. We live in a time of anxiety and uncertainty. ...



Have you ever heard of the “Ship of Theseus”? It's a thought experiment that asks the ‘thinker’ to ponder a paradoxical idea. A paradox is a seemingly contradictory statement or proposition that when explained may prove to be well founded or true. Imagine a ship...



Happiness as a feeling is often the outcome of a decision to be grateful.  It seems that most everyone strives to be happy each day, but few recognize the relationship between the happy feeling we seek and the grateful spirit that must be unleashed for it to occur. ...

The Advantage of Disadvantage

The Advantage of Disadvantage

Have you ever been in fog so thick you couldn’t see the road ahead? It’s not pleasant, but there’s a valuable life lesson to be learned from the experience.  Next time you’re in this situation, find a safe place to stop, silence any noise, and just sit and enjoy the...



Are you determined to live life fully? In 1960, Eleanor Roosevelt wrote a book about a life fully lived when she was 76 years old. The book’s title?  “You Learn By Living”. She wrote the book well after she had been the first lady, and as you might imagine, by that...
