

Even extroverts need some alone time now and then – but solitude and loneliness are two very different things. Loneliness is a sadness that envelops us because our social needs aren’t being met. Our post-pandemic world, with more people working remotely, is...

A Right Sized Ego

A Right Sized Ego

Imagine you have a flat tire. You pull over and unfasten your spare.  You have the jack and lug nut wrench ready to go.  A good soul stops and offers help. But you know how to change a tire and you’ve got this. So you politely decline and they leave. After you’ve...



A little kindness can go a long way. It’s a value we can practice in every aspect of our lives.  It’s not always a grand gesture – kindness can be subtle. Don’t underestimate the impact a small act can make – holding a door open for the next person, letting someone in...



Practicing a spirit of service invokes gratitude and empathy. It perpetuates kindness. Volunteering your time and skills pushes you outside yourself and plunges you into your community.  Carrying a heart of service simultaneously and subconsciously acknowledges you...



Extending grace to yourself and others makes life sweeter. Grace encourages us to “try again” after a failure. When we give grace to others we foster an environment of learning and growth. It permits open discussion and understanding.  Acknowledging you were...



I don’t know about you, but I hate being late. If I say I’m going to be somewhere at a specific time, I want to actually be there early, when possible.  My daddy called it Bear Bryant time.  If you ain’t five minutes early, you’re late. Have you ever heard the old...

Loss of a Loved One

Loss of a Loved One

Suffering through the loss of a loved one can be devastating.  Textbooks list the stages of grief in great detail, and while they aren’t wrong, it seems trite to reduce them to mere words on a page. Each stage is deeply personal – the whole process entirely...



Careful, thoughtful communication is important to building and maintaining meaningful relationships.  Speaking clearly is also an important key to successful communication. Sometimes, we speak clearly, but when we leave out the “careful, thoughtful” part of the...

Life in Boxes

Life in Boxes

Do you remember the last time you moved out of one place and into another? Maybe it’s when you left home for the first time. As you packed, did you notice that everything in your house was a reflection of yourself? Your life, a physical representation, was literally...

Digging Deeper

Digging Deeper

Have you ever made a mistake and continued digging the hole even deeper? Making it worse? It’s okay! Accidents happen! And they can happen anytime. You just need to realize that when you’re in too deep, the last thing you want to do is make a bad situation worse. If...

Trust: Bridges

Trust: Bridges

Have you ever built a bridge? I'm sure you have.  After all, a personal connection IS a bridge. It's a bridge that represents trust between yourself and others. Trust is a critical life force and there is no law that makes it permanent. Trust can be broken, lost, or...

The Gift of Your Time

The Gift of Your Time

Recent world events serve as a valuable reminder — life is precious and time is fleeting.  The sheer busyness of life can be all consuming. You’ve no doubt heard it said — “don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.”  It’s easy to get so busy...
